김복남 살인 사건의 전말

  • Cast

    Seo Young-hee

  • Release Date


  • Runtime

    115 mins

  • Cert


A film with excruciating suspense leading to a gore laden whirlwind of violence
starts with Hae-won, a 30 something middle-management woman who with
the increasing pressures of work and home situation decides to take a break
from it all and return to the pleasant, remote island where she had spent happy
summers with her grandparents.

Upon her arrival, she is reunited with her childhood friend Bok-nam. Although
ecstatic to see her old friend, Bok-nam begs for help to escape from the island.
Perplexed Hae-won ignores her pleas but is soon shocked to witness the horrific
torment that Bok-nam endures every day. Each woman is stretched to their limits
and it is only a matter of time before one finally and gruesomely snaps.